Selected publications
Robinson, A. R., M. Esty, and C. E. Tilburg, A Compact GPS Surface Drifter with LoRa Telemetry and Self-Contained Tracking System, Marine Technology Society Journal, 55 (1), pp. 88-105, 2021.
Slater, M. A., P. A. Morgan, C. E. Tilburg, and S. E Travis, Environmental variables, not Allee effects, drive patch vigor in exotic Phragmites australis stands invading the Saco River Estuary, Maine, USA, Aquatic Botany,, 2017.
Hillman, S. J., S. I. Zeeman, C. E. Tilburg, and H. E. List, My Attitudes Toward Science (MATS): The development of a multi-dimensional instrument measuring students’ science attitudes, Learning Environments Research, 19 (2), pp. 203-219, 2016.
Yund, P. O., C. E. Tilburg, and M. A. McCartney, Across-shelf distribution of blue mussel larvae in the northern Gulf of Maine: Consequences for population connectivity and a species range boundary, Royal Society Open Science, 2, 150513., 2015.
Tilburg, C. E., L. M. Jordan, A. E. Carlson, S. I. Zeeman, and P. O. Yund, The effects of precipitation, river discharge, land use and coastal circulation on water quality in coastal Maine, Royal Society Open Science, 2, 140429., 2015.
Bloodsworth, K. H., C. E. Tilburg, and P. O. Yund, Influence of a river plume on the distribution of Brachyuran crab and Mytilid bivalve larvae in Saco Bay, Maine, Estuaries and Coasts, doi: 10.1007/s12237-015-9951-5, 2015.
Cohen, J. H., C. K. Hanson, A. I. Dittel, D. C. Miller and C. E. Tilburg, The ontogeny of larval swimming behavior in the crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus: implications for larval transport, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 462, 20-28, 2015.
Hillman, S. J., K. H. Bloodsworth, C. E. Tilburg, S. I. Zeeman, and H. E. List, K-12 Students’ Perception of Scientists: Finding a valid measurement and exploring whether exposure to scientists make an impact, International Journal of Science Education, doi: 10.1080/09500693.2014.908264 2014.
Tilburg, C. E., M. A. McCartney, and P. O. Yund, Across-shelf transport of bivalve larvae: Can the interface between a coastal current and inshore waters act as an ecological barrier to larval dispersal?, PLoS ONE, 7(11): e48960. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048960, 2012.
Tilburg, C. E., A. I. Dittel, D. C. Miller, and C. E. Epifanio, Transport and retention of the mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) in a Mid-Atlantic estuary: Predictions from a larval transport model, Journal of Marine Research, 69, 137-165, 2011a.
Tilburg, C. E., S. Gill, S. I. Zeeman, A. Carlson, T. Arienti, J. Eickhorst, and P. O. Yund, Characteristics of a shallow river plume: Observations from the Saco River Coastal Observing System, Estuaries and Coasts, 34, 785-799, 2011.
Tilburg, C. E., J. Seay, T. D. Bishop, H. L. Miller III, and C. Meile, Distribution and retention of Petrolisthes armatus in a coastal plain estuary: the role of vertical movement in larval transport, Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 88, 260-266, 2010.
Bishop, T. D., H. L. Miller III, R. L. Walker, D. H. Hurley, T. Menken, and C. E. Tilburg, Blue crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896) settlement at three Georgia (USA) estuarine sites, Estuaries and Coasts, 33, 688-698, 2010.
Houghton, R. W., R. Chant, A. Rice, and C. E. Tilburg, Salt flux into coastal river plumes: Dye studies in the Delaware and Hudson River outflow, Journal of Marine Research, 67, 731-756, 2009.
Wargo, A. M., C. E. Tilburg, W.B. Driggers, and J. A. Sulikowski, Effect of a freshwater plume on icthyoplankton distribution off the coast of southern Maine, Northeastern Naturalist, 16, 647-654, 2009.
Tilburg, C. E., A. I. Dittel, and C. E. Epifanio, High concentrations of crab larvae along the offshore edge of a coastal current: Effects of convergent circulation, Fisheries Oceanography, 18, 135-146, 2009.